(a) Purpose. The purpose of the Planned Unit Development Overlay District (PUD) and associated regulations is to provide for higher quality development of a site that would otherwise be permitted through consideration of alternate uses, densities, and dwelling types as well as in the design and placement of buildings in order to achieve the following
(1) To encourage creative approaches to the uses of land and related physical facilities that result in better urban design, higher quality construction and the provisions of aesthetic amenities.
(2) To foster a variety of housing types and styles of housing. Monotony shall be avoided. Variation of detail, form, and siting shall be used to provide visual interest.
(3) To respect the character of surrounding developments by providing appropriate buffers as a transition to areas of different land uses and development densities.
(b) Application of Principles to the PUD District. In order to provide and protect the public health, safety and convenience and the general welfare of the community, dwellings within a PUD shall be erected, altered, moved, maintained or used, and the land surrounding such PUD shall be used, only in accordance with this chapter and other applicable codes.
(Ord. 2022-O-19. Passed 11-22-22.)