880.10   LICENSE FEES.
   (a)   Medical Marijuana Cultivation Business License. Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) at application and renewal.
   (b)   Medical Marijuana Processing Business License. Five thousand dollars ($5,000) at application and renewal.
   (c)   Medical Marijuana Dispensary Business License. Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) at application and renewal.
   (d)   Replacement License. The fee for a replacement license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
   (e)   Filed with Application. The license fee referenced shall be filed with the application for license.
   (f)   Return of Fee. In the event an application is denied under this chapter or by the applicable state licensing authority, one-half of the license fee shall be returned to the applicant.
   (g)   In the event any license is suspended or revoked under this chapter, no portion of the license fee shall be returned to the owner.
(Ord. 2018-O-01. Passed 1-9-18.)