(a)   Swimming pools shall be subject to the requirements of the State Department of Health and the County Board of Health, and City legislation.
   (b)   All swimming pools constructed within 100 feet of residentially zoned property shall be screened with a sound absorbing material such as shrubbery or trees.
   (c)   All exterior lights shall be directed away from residential areas, and exterior lighting, including shielding, shall be of a type consistent with accepted safety measures and security requirements and so situated as to not inconvenience surrounding residential areas.
   (d)   No loud speakers or audible signal shall be permitted within the Yacht Club District except for emergency purposes.
   (e)   Machinery for lifting marine craft shall have a rated capacity not exceeding fifteen tons.
   (f)   Breakwalls shall require advance approval as may be required by Federal and State authorities, as well as the City Engineer.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)