All dwelling units shall conform to the following specifications:
   (a)    Area.
      (1)-The area of a dwelling unit shall be the sum of the gross floor areas of living space, including any square footage of laundry rooms in excess of ten square feet, and excluding basements, porches, utility and general storage-- rooms, common halls, stairways and garages.
      (2)   The minimum area of a dwelling unit within the Garden Condominium District shall not be less than the following:
            Type of Garden Condominium         Area (Sq . Ft. )
         A.   One Bedroom Bedroom      650
         B.   Two Bedroom            800
         C.   Three Bedroom         900
   Square footage shall be measured from the interior face of exterior and common walls.
   (b)   Concentration of Dwelling Units. In the Garden Condominium District, no structure shall have a total number of dwelling units of less than three or more than sixteen. The placement of buildings shall provide staggering of fronts and arrangement subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord.86-0-7. Passed 7-8-86.)