(a)   The Board of Zoning Appeals shall have such duties and powers as are set forth and as limited by this Zoning Code.
   (b)   The Board is hereby authorized to promulgate such rules or regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Zoning Code and to exercise the powers and jurisdiction conferred upon it by, but not in conflict with, the provisions of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   The Board shall hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision or determination of the Zoning Inspector or other administrative officer relating to zoning, including the refusal, granting or revocation of permits by the Inspector. The Board shall also hear and decide all matters specifically referred to it for decision, or authorization, by the provisions of this Zoning Code. The Board may reverse or affirm wholly or in part, or modify, the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and make such order as in its opinion ought to be made under the circumstances, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whose decision the appeal is taken.
(Ord.79-0-14. Passed 7-24-79.)