(a)   License Required; Fee.
      (1)   No person shall act as a door-to-door salesperson in interstate/intrastate commerce in the City, calling at residences or places of business without the invitation or previous consent of the owners or occupants thereof, without first having secured from the Safety Director or his or her designated representative a license therefor. The fee for such license shall be as follows:
         A.   For one day:         $15.00
         B.   For one week:         $30.00
         C.   For one year:         $75.00
      (2)   No peddler shall sell or offer for sale in the City any goods, merchandise or services without first having secured from the Safety Director or his or her designated representative a license therefor. The fee for such license shall be as follows:
   Nature of Operation      Week      Month      Year
   Truck or other
   street vehicle         $30.00      $60.00      $90.00
   Pushcart         $30.00      $50.00      $75.00
   Carried door-to-door      $30.00      $50.00      $75.00
      (3)   All fees collected shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund.
   (b)   License Application; Contents. An application for a license for a door-to-door salesperson in interstate/intrastate commerce or for a peddler shall be made upon a form provided by the Safety Director or his or her designated representative. Each application shall contain, among other information, the name, address and telephone number of the applicant; the name, address and telephone number of his or her employer, if any; the nature of the goods or services for which he or she will take orders or which will be offered for sale; the proposed method of operation in the City; and such other information as the Safety Director may require. A separate license shall be required for each individual salesperson or peddler even though there may be a single employer. No person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of a felony shall be issued a license as a door-to-door salesperson in interstate/intrastate commerce or as a peddler. Each applicant shall submit to fingerprinting for identification purposes.
(Ord.2003-O-04. Passed 4-20-03.)