(a)   The City hereby adopts a plan under the Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Program and extends to all eligible employees the opportunity to join.
   (b)   The Mayor and/or Administrative Assistant are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Board on the terms and conditions which the Mayor determines are in the best interest of the City, which agreement shall authorize the Board to offer a plan under the Program to all eligible employees and thereafter to administer the plan on behalf of such employees.
(Res. 82-R-43. Passed 7-13-82.)
   (c)   The Mayor and Administrative Director are hereby authorized to execute the joinder agreement and attendant documents necessary for the City to participate in the Ohio Municipal League Master Compensation Deferment Plan.
(Res. 89-R-46. Passed 12-12-89.)
   (d)   The Mayor and Administrative Director are hereby authorized to execute the joinder agreement and attendant documents necessary for the City to participate in the Equitable Financial Companies Compensation Deferral Plan.
(Res. 90-R-01. Passed 1-9-90.)
   (e)   The Mayor and Administrative Director are hereby authorized to execute the joinder agreement and attendant documents necessary for the City to participate in the Security Benefit Life Insurance Company/Financial Network of America, Ltd. Compensation Deferral Plan.
(Res. 2007-R-23. Passed 12-11-07.)