(a) Establishment: Value: Eligibility: Payment.
(1) There is hereby established a credit point system for firefighters and officers of the Fire Department.
(2) Each credit point shall have a monetary value of one dollar ($1.00).
(3) Each firefighter and officer shall be eligible to earn and be paid for credit points, except the Fire Chief.
(4) Payment to such firefighters and officers for credit points shall be made on the first regular scheduled pay day following the end of the regular quarterly pay period applicable, upon payroll report only, duly certified by the Chief to that City officer authorized by letter to make payment therefor.
(5) The determination of credit points earned shall be subject to the approval of the Chief, whose decision shall be final.
(b) Manner of Earning. Credit points may be earned as follows:
(1) One-half credit point for each regularly scheduled drill where attendance is required and recorded of one or more but not greater than three hours in length;
(2) One and one-half credit points for each regularly scheduled drill where attendance is required and recorded of three or more hours in length;
(3) One credit point for every special drill which may be called for but not regularly scheduled, plus one-half credit point for each additional hour spent if the special drill exceeds three hours in length and attendance and subject matter are factually and accurately recorded;
(4) One-half credit point per hour attended for course hours for one-day seminars, clinics, schools, workshops, etc., relating to approved fire technology subject material, and also one-half credit point per credit hour for courses of two or more days, regional fire, rescue, arson, fire prevention, etc., school, clinic, seminar or symposium, etc., attended and certified, including courses attended at two-year accredited colleges, provided that subject matter is approved in advance by the Chief as being fire technology related;
(5) One credit point per hour for T.I. fire and rescue classes and the State fire school, only for the required hours attended; and
(6) One credit point per hour for advanced rescue work, preparamedic training given at the hospitals, and only for the required hours per course attended.
(c) Limitations.
(1) No full-time Department personnel shall be eligible for compensation under this section for activities undertaken during their normal working hours. Nor shall such full-time personnel be eligible for compensation under this section for attendance at compulsory job-related courses, should the same conflict with their normal working schedule, requiring them to attend such courses at other times when they might otherwise receive compensation from the City.
(2) No full-time member of another fire department, who is actively a part-time member of the Department, shall be eligible for compensation under this section when the training received, as described in this section, is mandatory training and job-related to his full-time city of employment. An exception to the provisions of this paragraph may be made at the discretion of the Chief if he determines that the Department will derive substantial benefit from such training. Should the Chief so determine, then the amount of time expended by the firefighter shall be credited at not more than one-fourth credit point per hour, and the dollar amount paid hereunder shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) in any one calendar year.
(3) No compensation shall be payable under this section for courses which are part of a curriculum of the individual whose ultimate goal is a certificate or degree program, when such courses are not directly fire-related and approved in advance by the Chief.
(Ord.77-0-16. Passed 4-12-77.)