7.40.010 General
7.40.020 Accompanying data and additional information
7.40.030 Survey and monuments required
7.40.040 Submission and review
7.40.050 Complete and timely filing
7.40.060 Final map approval
7.40.070 Limitation on map denial
7.40.080 Filing with the Office of the County Recorder
7.40.090 Waiver of parcel map
7.40.100 Certificate of correction
7.40.110 Effect of annexation on maps
The form, contents, accompanying data, and filing of the final map or parcel map shall conform to the provisions of the Map Act, this title, and applicable standards imposed by the County of Riverside for maps filed with the Office of the County Recorder. The final map or parcel map and any accompanying data or additional information shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor authorized to practice in the State of California. The provisions of this chapter comply with the requirements of Cal. Gov’t Code § 66410 et seq.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)
The filing of accompanying data and additional information shall be required with the filing of the final tract map or final parcel map, in accordance with § 7.40.050 (Complete and Timely Filing).
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)
(A) An accurate and complete survey of the land to be subdivided shall be made by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor authorized to practice land surveying by the State of California, pursuant to the requirements of the City Engineer. All information required by city standards shall be incorporated into the survey.
(B) At the time of making the survey for the final map or parcel map, or within two years from the complete and timely filing of the final map or parcel map, whichever occurs first, the civil engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient durable monuments to conform with the standards of the Map Act and city standards.
(C) The City Engineer may waive the requirements in divisions (A) and (B) of this section for parcel maps at his or her discretion.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)
Final map and parcel map submittal and review procedures shall be pursuant to this chapter and applicable city standards. The City Engineer shall review all final map and parcel map submittals for conformance with the provisions of this title and may deem them incomplete and return all or portions of a submission for reasons including but not limited to the following: incomplete submission or filing; untimely submission or filing; nonconformance with the tentative map; nonconformance with the conditions of approval applied to the tentative map; nonconformance with this title; nonconformance with city standards; or errors or omissions on the final map or parcel map, on any accompanying data, or on any additional information.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)
(A) Prior to the expiration of an approved or conditionally-approved tentative map, the subdivider may file with the city a final map of the land to be subdivided. The subdivider may file multiple or phased final maps with the city provided that either of the following has occurred:
(1) The subdivider, upon submittal of the tentative map, informed the city of his or her intent to file multiple or phased final maps; or
(2) After filing of the tentative map, the City Engineer concurs in writing to a written request from the subdivider to allow the filing of multiple or phased final maps.
Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the city to impose reasonable conditions related to access, dedications, improvements, or fees on each final map so submitted.
(B) If the subdivider did not inform the city of his or her intent to file multiple or phased final maps upon submittal of the tentative map and the City Engineer does not concur in writing to a written request from the subdivider to allow the filing of multiple or phased final maps, an approved or conditionally approved tentative map must be resubmitted for review and approval in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7.20 (Tentative Maps).
(C) The City Engineer shall determine that a complete and timely final map filing has been made if he or she determines that, at a minimum, the following items have been received, prior to the expiration of the tentative map:
(1) Improvement plans.
(2) Complete and accepted public improvements or acceptable subdivision improvement
agreement(s) and securities.
(3) Proof of payment of all applicable fees.
(4) Will-serve letters from all applicable utilities and agencies.
(5) Noninterference letters from all applicable easement or title interest holders.
(6) Original and copies of all sheets of the final map in their required form and content.
(7) Proof of ownership of all affected properties. Title reports not older than 30 days from the scheduled filing for recordation of the final map shall be provided to confirm ownership, easements and other information that may affect the recordation of the final map.
(8) Subdivision guarantee from a title company, less than 60 days old.
(9) Letter from all affected property owners requesting approval of the final map.
(10) Small-scale map of the proposed subdivision.
(11) Written clearance from all affected city departments.
(12) Written clearance from all affected public agencies.
(13) All applicable agreements or documents to be approved by the City Council or filed or recorded concurrently with the map, including CC&Rs.
(14) Proof that all additional requirements of Chapter 7.20 (Tentative Maps) and Chapter 7.25 (Vesting Tentative Maps) have been satisfied.
(15) The city’s parkland dedication requirements of Chapter 7.75 (Parkland Dedication and Fees) have been satisfied.
(16) Other items as may be required by the city upon filing.
(D) Upon finding all statements and submissions complete and satisfactory in accordance with this section, the City Engineer shall sign the appropriate statements, in accordance with Cal. Gov’t Code § 66442(a)(1) through (4), after which the subdivider shall request the final map be placed on the next available regular agenda for City Council action. The original map, and any other items requiring City Council approval, shall be transmitted to the City Clerk, with a recommendation of map approval.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)