11.20.010   Definitions
11.20.020   Prohibited public nuisance conditions
11.20.030   Abatement of public nuisances
11.20.040   Voluntary abatement of a public nuisance
11.20.050   Notice of public nuisance and intention to abate
11.20.060   Notice and order to vacate premises
11.20.070   Service of notice
11.20.080   Right of appeal from a notice of abatement
11.20.090   Consequence of an untimely appeal
11.20.100   Abatement by responsible person prior to hearing
11.20.110   Review by hearing officer
11.20.120   Decision of hearing officer; order of abatement
11.20.130   Voluntary abatement prior to city actions
11.20.140   Emergency action to abate an imminent hazard
11.20.150   Establishment of costs of abatement
11.20.160   Nuisance abatement special assessment
11.20.170   Nuisance abatement lien
11.20.180   Restitution of abatement costs
11.20.190   Treble the costs of abatement
11.20.200   Nuisance abatement for hazardous vegetation