A.   Application Fee: The city shall establish fees by resolution for processing and considering any of the various applications set forth in this title. The current fee schedule shall be on file with the city clerk and available for review by applicants or the public upon request. The city will not process an application until the appropriate fee has been submitted. Fees for processed applications are non-refundable, even when the application is ultimately denied or withdrawn by the applicant prior to receiving a decision.
   B.   Additional Costs: The complexity of issues presented by a particular application may require additional legal, engineering, or other specialized review of the application by the city, and thereby increase the city's costs for processing the application. When such additional costs are incurred, they shall be the obligation of the applicant, and may be paid in the form of reimbursement to the city. Where the city anticipates such additional costs may be incurred, the city may notify the applicant before incurring such costs.
   C.   Chip Sealing Capitalization Fee: A fee required to be paid by applicants to cover the initial costs of chip sealing asphalt surfaced roads and/or streets dedicated to the city which fee shall be established by the public works director at the time of the application for final plat approval using the then current chip sealing cost to chip seal the asphalt surfaced and dedicated roads and streets within the final plat. (Ord. 276, 10-11-2021)