A.   A backflow prevention device is required to be installed when the city determines that such a device is necessary due to the nature and the extent of the activity on the premises to prevent cross connection, or when required by state regulations relating to public water systems.
   B.   All backflow prevention devices shall be of a type approved by Idaho department of environmental quality and by the city.
   C.   Each backflow prevention device shall be tested by a certified tester approved by the city upon installation or repairs and after being moved and shall be inspected annually, or more often when successive inspections indicate failure, to ensure that it functions properly.
   D.   The assembly owner shall provide to the city a copy of the test results. The city may offer testing services for backflow prevention devices and charge a fee therefor, such fee to be established by resolution of the city council.
   E.   A permit shall be obtained prior to the installation of a backflow prevention assembly. The permit fee shall be established by resolution of the city council. (2008 Code)