§ 52.16 NOTICE.
   (A)   Where and when the system is capable of receiving and disposing of the flowable sanitary system of, and is available to, any premises not already connected thereto, the city shall give written notice to the owner or occupant of such premises that a sanitary sewer connection is available, and that the premises shall be connected thereto within 90 days after the notice is given. All owners and occupants of premises where sewer service is presently or hereafter available shall, within 90 days from the date of the notice, connect therewith all sanitary sewage drain pipes and sewage outlets of such premises.
   (B)   All connections to the system shall be made under and in conformity with such regulations as the city may from time to time establish by ordinances or by resolution and municipal order. Failure to effect such connection within the prescribed time is declared to be unlawful and to constitute a public nuisance; and the same shall be abated, subject to the penalties hereinafter prescribed.
   (C)   No sewer tap or connection shall be made by any person, firm, or corporation except under the direction and supervision of the city’s Water Superintendent and Sewer Superintendent and in conformity with proper health standards. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the city to furnish a sewer connection or sewer service to any premises where a city sewer facility is not available at the time the application is made.
(Ord. 3A-1990, passed 7-25-1990) Penalty, see § 52.99