A. New installations of permanent lighting for a commercial or industrial use must use a fully shielded lighting fixture positioned so as to prevent direct view of the bulb or polished reflective surface through a window of a residence. (See Figure 16.60-4)
B. New installations of permanent lighting for a residential use must be positioned so as to prevent direct view of the bulb or polished reflective surface through a window of a residence, with the exception of ‘period-style” fixtures. (See Figure 16.60-4)
C. Installations of non-permanent lighting is allowed without shielding so long as it is done in conjunction with a temporary use permit or for primarily decorative purposes, such as holiday lighting.

(Ord. O-201410-10-035, passed 10-14-2014; Ord. O-201601-ZBA-006, passed 1-19-2016; Ord. O-201603-ZBA-010, passed 3-17-2016, § 15.2; Ord. O-201803-ZBA-10-08, passed 3-19-2018; Ord. O-201808-10-033, passed 8-21-2018)