A.   General Provisions. The following systems are approved for private sewage disposal when designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the applicable section in this Ordinance:
   B.   Septic Tank (§ 8.04.520 or Aerobic Treatment Plants (§ 8.04.620) in addition to one of the following:
      1.   Subsurface seepage field.
      2.   Seepage Bed (See § 8.04.560 for restrictions).
      3.   8 inch or 10 inch gravelless seepage system or chamber system which complies with all the requirements of the Illinois Private Sewage Disposal Code.
      4.   Chamber system.
      5.   Mound Systems Mounds designed in accordance with the Wisconsin Mound Soil Absorption System Siting, Design, and Construction Manual, Small Scale Waste Management Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison, January, 1990, and § 8.04.490.
      6.   Wisconsin At Grade System designed in accordance with the Wisconsin At Grade Soil Absorption System Siting, Design and Construction Manual, Small Scale Waste Management Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 1990, and § 8.04.480.
   C.   Peat Filter System, followed by an approved subsurface seepage system sized at 2/3 the sizing required in Table I.
   D.   Vault privies, portable toilets, re-circulating toilets, incinerator toilets and compost toilets are approved for private sewage disposal of human wastes. Re-circulating toilets, incinerator toilets and compost toilets shall meet NSF Standard 41 and bear the NSF seal.
   E.   Illinois Raised Filter Bed preceded by a batch treatment aeration system (See § 8.04.620) Subsurface drip irrigation system in accordance with Section 905.60g of the Illinois Private Sewage Disposal Code.
   F.   Any other systems for which a variance in accordance with § 8.04.370 U – § 8.04.370 V has been issued or for which an experimental permit in accordance with § 8.04.380 has been issued.
   G.   Holding tanks installed in accordance with § 8.04.590.
   H.   SYSTEM TYPES. For the purpose of this ordinance, five (5) types of private sewage disposal systems have been established. The type of system which may be used is determined by the amount of suitable soil between the natural soil surface and limiting layers (See Table I in Appendix B).
(Ord. O-201711-51-031, passed 11-14-2017)