A. Franchise granted under this Ordinance is for the Service Area as it may exist now and in the future as well as rights-of-way under the jurisdiction of the County.
B. A Grantee shall offer service to all Residents and designated public buildings within the Service Area without regard to the race, religion, national origin, income, disability status, age or gender of the Resident. Further, the Grantee shall offer services to commercial areas within the Service Area. A Grantee shall not impose any charge upon any Subscriber within the Service Area for extending the Cable System to the Subscriber’s location.
C. A Grantee shall offer service and rates on a non-discriminatory basis with regards to deposits and service packages to all Residents. However, a Grantee may offer discounted rates to senior citizens. A Grantee may, however, discontinue or refuse service to Subscribers and potential Subscribers who have not paid applicable charges. A Grantee may offer services to commercial Subscribers at rates different from those charged Residential Subscribers. The Grantee may also enter into separate contracts with Multiple Dwelling Unit buildings and may charge discounted rates for services based upon single point billing or other contractual considerations. This does not preclude a Grantee from offering promotional rates for service introductions or temporary promotional discounts within the Service Area or offering rates and services in a non-uniform manner as allowed by Federal law.
(Ord. O-200203-12-002, passed 3-5-2002)