All structures, as described in Section 1123.03 for RB Districts shall provide off-street parking facilities outside the public right of way in addition to the driveway requirement on the lot allocated to that particular building based on the following schedule:
(a) One parking space for each single bedroom, bachelor and efficiency living unit.
(b) One and one-half parking spaces for each living unit of over one bedroom in size.
(c) One parking space shall be provided for each four living units of all sizes for visitor parking.
In addition, in all districts, parking space shall be provided for each employee of the business or use.
In all districts, minimum requirements of off-street parking applicable to any use or building, shall continue unchanged in operation, shall not be used for automobile service or repair and shall not be reduced below the required size as long as the main use remains, unless an equivalent number of parking spaces is provided for the use in another approved location. All parking spaces shall have a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum length of twenty feet exclusive of area for maneuverability and ingress and egress.
(Ord. 2679-94. Passed 7-20-94.)