(a)   Uses Permitted. The following uses, and no other, shall be deemed RB uses and permitted in all RB Districts.
      (1)   Any use permitted in an RA District shall be permitted in an RB District.
      (2)   Duplexes, residential apartments and multiple dwellings, which shall be designated as RB District.
   (b)   Height and Bulk Requirements. 
      (1)   Rear yard. There shall be a minimum rear yard of not less than forty feet in depth on every lot. For every building more than twenty feet in height, the rear yard shall be increased in depth one foot for each two feet of height of the building over twenty feet from the established grade level.
      (2)   Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of every main building. The minimum width of each side yard shall be thirty feet. If any building exceeds twenty feet in height, the width of each side yard shall be increased by one foot for each two feet of height of the building over twenty feet from the established grade level.
      (3)   A building permit, issued by the Zoning Inspector, shall be secured for the land use of each separate apartment building. As a prerequisite to the issuance of such permit, the owner or his representative must submit a plot plan to the Inspector, which plot plan shall indicate the final location of each apartment building as surveyed. The plot plan shall be designed to clearly indicate the owner's compliance with height and bulk requirements set forth in subparagraphs (1) and (2) hereof, and the minimum requirement of square footage per family unit.
   In order to satisfy the minimum requirement of square footage per family, each apartment building must be constructed on a separate lot the dimensions of which satisfy the square footage minimum requirement and allow for height and bulk requirements.
   (c)   Plot Plan. As a further condition of the issuance of a building permit for the land use of apartment buildings, the Inspector shall require the owner or his representative to file a proposed plot plan with the County Recorder in accordance with the procedure established by law for the recording of plot plans.
   (d)   Violation. Upon discovery of any variation from the plot plan submitted, the Inspector shall commence a lawsuit in the appropriate court to enjoin the land use which is in violation of these requirements.
   (e)   Notification to Zoning Inspector. The owner or his representative, as evidence of his good faith, shall notify the Inspector when construction commences on each building after the issuance of a building permit.
   (f)   Fences or Walls. A fence or wall shall be considered a structure as defined in Section 1107.28 and shall be subject to the regulations found in Chapter 1137.
   In the case of a corner lot, this provision also applies to the area between the side yard setback line and the right-of-way line for a road or street. No fence, wall or shrubbery shall be maintained near a street or intersection so as to interfere with traffic visibility around the corner.
   (g)   Height Restrictions. Accessory buildings, garages and appurtenances shall not be more than fifteen feet in height and shall comply with and be subject to all other requirements of this section.
   (h)   Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings, including garages, shall not be constructed closer than five feet from any property line.
   (i)   Other Provisions. Other buildings constructed in RB Districts shall be subject to the rest of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance including minimum lot widths, composition of buildings, minimum floor space, minimum lot area per family, setback building line, corner lots, rear houses, parking facilities, building permits, zoning amendments, definitions, validity and Board of Zoning Appeals actions.
(Ord. 2696-95. Passed 1-4-95.)