(A)   This section repeals and replaces Ord. 11492B, an ordinance providing for the identification and numbering of structures within the town.
   (B)   The Town Advisory Plan Commission, through the Technical Review Committee shall, by rule, prescribe a numbering system for lots and structures and approve the assignment of street numbers to lots and structure in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-405(b), (c) and this code.
   (C)   All buildings and building sites within the town shall be numbered in a uniform plan, and all buildings shall have displayed on front or street side thereof the numbers as may be designated under the plan and provisions of this code.
   (D)   Numbering of buildings and building sites in the town shall be in accordance with the previously assigned numbers established by the County Planning Commission.
      (1)   Address and street name assignments are granted by the Town Advisory Plan Commission in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-405(b) and (c).
      (2)   Even numbers shall be used for the northerly and westerly sides of streets, and odd numbers for the southerly and easterly sides.
      (3)   One number shall ordinarily be allowed for each 25 feet of frontage, whether improved or vacant, provided that each existing house and tenement or building entrance with a frontage less than 25 feet shall receive a number.
      (4)   When assigning addresses to county roads within town limits, a distance measurement will be taken from the nearest cross street. That distance in linear feet will then be divided by 5.28 and adjusted to be odd or even numbers, depending on the directional methodology which is prescribed above.
      (5)   Developers shall submit proposed addresses and street names upon preliminary plat submission for vetting and approval.
      (6)   Temporary addresses may be assigned on a case by case basis and are subject to change.
   (E)   Upon notification of the proper number of the building or building site by the Town Manager of the town, or his or her designated agent, the owner of the building or building site shall cause that number to be placed and continuously maintained in a conspicuous place on the front of the building.
      (1)   If a building stands back more than 50 feet from a street (property) line, the number shall be conspicuously displayed at or near the walk, driveway or common entrance to the building at the street (property) line and so placed so as to be easily legible from the sidewalk or street.
      (2)   Numerals shall be at least three inches in height.
   (F)   The Town Manager of the town, or his or her designated agent, shall be authorized to change the house numbering of any street or part of a street or of any industrial building or buildings when the change shall be necessary by reason of readjustment of any kind, inaccuracy or mistake or for any other cause.
   (G)   No plat or replat of a subdivision will be recorded unless each lot bears a street number (within a border) in accordance with the requirements of this section.
   (H)   It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, alter or deface any house number, properly assigned or placed on or near a building or to place or retain on any building any number other than the one duly assigned by the Town Manager or his or her designated agent.
   (I)   Streets shall be named and renamed by the Town Manager or his or her designated agent, so that their names are easy to understand, to avoid duplication or a conflict with other names or streets within the 46055 zip code area.
   (J)   Whenever the Town Manager, or his or her designated agent, names or renames a street or numbers or renumbers a lot or structure, the Town Manager, or his or her designated agent, shall notify the County Circuit Court Clerk, the administrator of the enhanced emergency telephone system established under I.C. 36-8-16, the United States postal service and any person or body that the Commission considers appropriate to receive notice of its actions no later than the last day of the month following the month in which the action was taken (I.C. 36-7-4-405(h)).
(Ord. 011012, passed 2-14-2012)  Penalty, see § 150.99