§ 131.04  VIOLATIONS.
   (A)   No person shall, from after the effective date and proper posting of this chapter, discharge any pistol, revolver or rifle within the corporate limits of the town, except:
      (1)   Authorized police officers are permitted to discharge their duty weapons or other departmentally-approved weapons in the performance of their duties;
      (2)   A person shall be permitted to discharge a firearm for the protection of his or her life and his or her property;
      (3)   Members of the armed forces of the United States engaged in the performance of their official duties;
      (4)   Members of the State National Guard engaged in the performance of their official duties;
      (5)   Persons conducting a shooting gallery who have first procured a license therefor in accordance with the license ordinance of the town, nor to shooting clubs conducting at a fixed place of business within the town, and in a manner that there is no danger to any person whatsoever, provided the shooting club has first obtained written permission from the Town Council to conduct the same; and
      (6)   A farmer or rancher may discharge a shotgun or bow and arrow for the purpose of protecting his or her row crops, livestock, breeding stock or field crops from vermin.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to discharge any shotgun with slugs, ball, cut or ring shotgun shell, or shot larger than “Number 2”, except as authorized by this chapter in divisions (A)(1) and (A)(2) above.
   (C)   (1)   It shall be unlawful, after the effective date of this chapter:
         (a)   To discharge any firearm not prohibited elsewhere in this chapter, within an area of 100 yards of any building, structure or edifice, whether occupied or unoccupied; and
         (b)   It shall be unlawful to discharge any firearm permitted elsewhere, upon any platted land, or within 200 yards of any public or private school real property, not to include private daycare facilities which may or may not provide educational instruction.
      (2)   However, it shall be permissible to discharge a shotgun with “Number 2” or smaller shot, within 100 yards of any building, structure or edifice, provided the individual shooting the firearm is an authorized agent of the building, structure or edifice, but in no instance shall a shotgun be discharged within 200 yards of any public or private school real property.
   (D)   From and after the effective date of this chapter, it shall be unlawful to discharge any firearms, upon or across any public road, constructed bike or walk path or highway within the town.
(Ord. 101204A, passed 12-14-2004)  Penalty, see § 131.99