§ 110.02  EXCEPTIONS.
   (A)   Section 110.01 shall not apply to persons engaged in the delivery of daily newspapers, or any person operating a regular route, or insurance route to solicit additional customers on a route when solicitation is incidental to his or her regular duties, or to the producers of farm products within the pursuit of the sale of the products raised by them.
   (B)   Additionally, § 110.01 shall not apply to any person authorized to peddle or solicit without a license in the state by virtue of a state statute providing for an exemption. The person shall be granted a certificate of registration upon satisfactory proof being made to the Town Manager that the applicant is so exempt.
   (C)   Any nonprofit organization, recognized by the Town Manager as such, utilizing exclusively minors under the age of 17 to perform the duties of a peddler or solicitor as defined herein shall be exempt from those portions of the Application for Certificate of Registration contained in § 110.04 below as deemed appropriate by the Town Manager.
(Ord. 031202C, passed 3-12-2002; Ord. 091002, passed 9-10-2002; Ord. 051215, passed 5-12-2015; Ord. 031318, passed 3-13-2018)