An applicant for a sidewalk café license shall file an application on forms provided by the City Clerk which shall include, in addition to any other information required by the city, the following:
   (A)   The business name, address, phone number and contact person.
   (B)   A site plan of the proposed sidewalk café drawn to scale covering the entire area between the curb and building showing locations of the property lines, curbs, all streets in front of and adjacent to the property, all sidewalk dimensions measured from the building face to the curb, all existing facilities and obstructions within the right-of-way, the proposed location of all sidewalk café fixtures, including but not limited to, tables, chairs, umbrellas, planters, fencing, barricades, lighting, and heaters, and the proposed limits of the sidewalk café.
   (C)   Photographs and manufacturer specifications for all proposed sidewalk café furniture and fixtures.
   (D)   Description and locations of any sound, television or video systems proposed for the sidewalk café.
   (E)   Description of all food and beverages that will be served within the sidewalk café and the proposed hours of operation.
   (F)   Description of all points of access between the building and the sidewalk café and exterior areas.
   (G)   Description of ingress and egress arrangements, including those necessary to provide handicap accessibility and control of persons entering and leaving the premises to prevent consumption of alcohol by minors and to ensure safety of moveable seating arrangements.
   (H)   Description of all physical improvements to be constructed to accommodate the sidewalk café.
   (I)   An insurance commitment or binder securing all insurance coverage required under this chapter and Ch. 111, if applicable, on the sidewalk café areas and meeting all requirements for naming the city as an additional insured.
   (J)   Any other information known to the applicant that may reasonably impact the issuance of the license including, but not limited to, objections to the proposed sidewalk café raised by neighboring property owners or the public, obstructions or other factors that may interfere with pedestrian travel on the affected sidewalk area, or conditions that may impact public health or safety if the sidewalk café license is issued. Upon submission of a complete application, the City Clerk shall place the application upon the agenda of the next available City Council meeting for which proper notice as required by this section can be given. A public hearing on the application shall be required for all initial sidewalk café applications, all subsequent applications proposing modifications to a sidewalk café site plan, and whenever the city determines a public hearing is necessary to determine whether the criteria for granting a sidewalk café license are satisfied. When applicable, the City Clerk shall cause notice of the public hearing to be given in the same manner as prescribed for special use permits.
(Ord. 2020-3013, passed 9-21-2020)