The Mayor and Council shall not have power to appropriate, issue, or draw any order or warrant on the treasurer for money, unless the same has been appropriated or ordered by ordinance or the claim for the payment of which such order or warrant is issued has been allowed according to Neb. RS 16-726 through 16-729, and a fund has been provided in the adopted budget statement out of which such claim is payable. Any transfer or diversion of the money or credits from any of the funds to another fund or to a purpose other and different from that for which proposed, except as provided in Neb. RS 16-721, shall render any City Council member voting therefor or any officer of the corporation participating therein guilty of a misdemeanor, and any person shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined $25 for each offense, together with costs of prosecution. Should any judgment be obtained against the city, the Mayor and Finance Committee, with the sanction of the City Council, may borrow a sufficient amount to pay the same, for a period of time not to extend beyond the close of the next fiscal year, which sum and interest thereon shall, in like manner, be added to the amount authorized to be raised in the general tax levy of the next year and embraced therein.
(Prior Code, §§ 1-908, 1-909)
Statutory reference:
   Similar state law provisions, see Neb. RS 16-706, 16-726 through 16-729