No such permit shall be granted by the governing body until the applicant therefor shall have submitted satisfactory evidence as follows:
   (A)   A map or plat of the area covered by the oil and gas lease, showing the proposed location of the well, together with the copies of the oil and gas leases from the owner or owners of the land on which the well is proposed to be located. The map or plat shall also show the location of all residences, buildings and other structures in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location;
   (B)   The application must agree to provide protection to all persons who might be affected by the drilling operations, including the handling of slush, drilling mud, sediments, salt water, and other material produced in connection with drilling the well. An artificial liner shall be placed in all pits receiving oil, salt water or refuse accumulated during drilling operations. Any fluids remaining in the pits shall be removed immediately upon completion of drilling operations;
   (C)   The application shall agree that no crude oil shall be stored within the city limits unless agreed to in writing by all parties involved including the applicant, the property owner, the city, and the owners of existing buildings located within 200 feet of the storage site;
   (D)   The applicant shall agree that, in the event the well is nonproductive, all tools, equipment, and machinery used in connection with the drilling thereof shall be removed within 60 days after completion thereof, and the premises restored to its original condition;
   (E)   Any tank or tank battery for storage of oil within the city shall be protected by dikes of sufficient height to prevent oil from escaping in the event of the leaking or bursting of the tanks;
   (F)   A copy of the notice of intent to drill filed with the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on its Form 2; and
   (G)   Evidence of formal approval by the owners of the proposed location if required by the terms of the lease or leases. This shall specifically include the City Council in any instance where the lease so provides the city with the right to approve the location in advance.
(Prior Code, § 10-1702)