(A)   The Utilities Director, as appointed by and under the direction of the City Manager, shall have general charge and control over all work and direct activities of the Water Department and Sewer Department and shall have the immediate control of the water plant, pump house and machinery and appliances used in connection with producing and distributing water to inhabitants of the city and the systems of sewerage of the city.
   (B)   The Utilities Director shall consult with the Division Supervisors concerning problems, programs, and policies in force; provide technical advice to the City Manager and other city departments concerning programs of the Water Department and Sewer Department and operating problems; organize, coordinate, direct, and supervise staff; and participate in long-range planning.
   (C)   The Utilities Director shall supervise and inspect repairs and maintenance work on the city water and sewer systems; enforce the laws of the city relating to the Water Department and Sewer Department as well as carry out any order or directive of the City Manager. The Utilities Director, or his or her duly authorized agent, shall have free access at proper hours of the day to all parts of each premise and building to or in which water or sewer service is furnished to examine pipes and fixtures and ascertain whether there is any disrepair or violation of city law.
(Prior Code, § 1-321) (Ord. 2004-2707, passed 9-20-2004)