§ 30.040 CITY CLERK.
   (A)   The City Clerk shall be appointed by the City Council and under the direction of the City Manager. Except when some other person is specifically appointed, the Clerk shall be, and assume the duties of, the City Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to attend every meeting of the Council and keep a record of the proceedings thereof. Whenever required by the Mayor, or requested by two members of the Council, or the City Manager, he or she shall deliver a notice to the members of the Council of any special meeting thereof, and shall notify any and all committees of the Council of the business entrusted to them. The Clerk shall keep and carefully preserve all papers and books which may come into his or her possession as Clerk, filing and arranging them in a manner convenient for reference. The Clerk shall keep the seal of the city and duly attest thereby the Mayor's signature to all ordinances and all deeds and papers required to be attested, when ordered by the governing body. The Clerk shall keep a register of all licenses granted and the purpose for which they were issued, and report to the Council at every meeting. At the beginning of each month, he or she shall, if required by the governing body, furnish the Police Department with a true copy of the register of all licenses then in force. He or she shall issue licenses and collect license fees connected therewith as provided by the laws of the state or the city.
   (B)   Within 30 days after any meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall prepare and publish the proceedings of the Council in a legal newspaper, or more than one legal newspaper if directed by the Council. The charge for the publication shall not exceed the rates provided by law. The publication charge shall be paid and allowed as other claims against the General Fund. Wherever the Clerk is required to issue licenses, occupation tax receipts, or permits, the City Collector shall collect the amount required to be paid by the applicant therefor. The Clerk shall have additional duties and receive a salary as the governing body may prescribe.
(Prior Code, § 1-311)
   (C)   The City Clerk shall publish within 30 days after the close of each month the amount of each claim allowed, the purpose of the claim, and the name of the claimant, except that the aggregate amount of all payroll claims may be included as one item. Between July 15 and August 15 of each year, the employee job titles and the current annual, monthly, or hourly salaries corresponding to such job titles shall be published. Each job title published shall be descriptive and indicative of the duties and functions of the position.
(Prior Code, § 1-312)
(Ord. 1680, passed 4-4-1983; Ord. 2020-3006, passed 5-4-2020)
Statutory reference:
   Authority, see Neb. RS 19-618
   Similar state law provisions, see Neb. 16-317, 19-615, 19-1102 through 19-1104