The city shall supply and pay the cost of the curb stops. The city shall supply and the customers shall pay the cost of the water meter and corporation cock. The city shall tap the main, install the meter and install all fixtures up to and including the curb stop. No person other than the Utilities Director, or his or her duly authorized agents shall tap the water main. The customer shall pay a tap fee which shall cover the cost of all installation done by the city. The customer shall at his or her own expense bring water service from the curb stop and upon his or her own premise and shall employ a licensed plumber who shall install water service to the place of disbursement. The extension of commercial mains into unsupplied territory with the corporate limits may be made by means of water extension districts.
(Prior Code, § 3-108) (Ord. 2004-2707, passed 9-20-2004; Ord. 2002-2613, passed 9-2-2008)
Statutory reference:
   Authority, see Neb. RS 16-681