(A)   There is hereby established pursuant to Neb. RS 18-2101.01 a Community Development Agency for the city.
   (B)   The Mayor and City Council of the city are hereby designated to be the Community Development Agency for the city.
   (C)   The Mayor of the city shall be the Chairperson of the Community Development Agency, the Vice-President of the City Council shall be the Vice-Chairperson, and the City Clerk shall be the Secretary of the Community Development Agency.
   (D)   The Community Development Agency shall have the power and authority to exercise the power and authority granted to a community redevelopment authority under Neb. RS 18-2101` to 18-2144. The Community Development Agency shall also have the power and authority to do all community development activities, and to do all things necessary to cooperate with the federal government in all matters relating to community development program activities as a grantee, or as an agent or otherwise, under the provisions of the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended through the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1981. The Community Development Agency may levy taxes for the exercise of this jurisdiction and authority and may issue general obligation bonds, general obligation notes, revenue bonds, and revenue notes, including those general obligation and revenue refunding bonds and notes for the purposes set forth in the sections and under the powers granted to any community redevelopment authority described therein.
   (E)    All of the rights and property, both real and personal of the existing Community Redevelopment Authority of the city, and all obligations, including leases, bonds, redevelopment contracts, agreements and other evidence of debt of the Authority, are hereby transferred to and assumed by the City Community Development Agency, created pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 2006-2764, passed 2-20-2006)