(A)   In the event of an emergency which requires immediate purchase of supplies or contractual services, the Purchasing Agent, or his or her designee, shall be empowered to secure by open market procedure as herein set forth, at the lowest obtainable price, any supplies or contractual services.
   (B)   EMERGENCY shall be defined as any event that interrupts the normal administration of city services, thereby jeopardizing the life, health or convenience of citizens.
   (C)   Should an emergency situation arise on a weekend or holiday, and where it is not possible or convenient to reach the Purchasing Agent, or his or her designee, any purchase necessary shall be made by the department in charge and the purchase reported to the Purchasing Agent, or his or her designee, without delay.
   (D)   A report of the circumstances of an emergency purchase shall be filed by the Purchasing Agent, or his or her designee. Purchases in excess of $30,000 shall be forwarded to the City Council for confirmation.
(Ord. 2007-2787, passed 3-5-2007; Ord. 2012-2873, passed 5-7-2012)