For the purposes of this chapter, poultry housing is defined as the chicken coop poultry house used to house one or more poultry, and chicken run which is the enclosure surrounding the chicken coop to so as to contain the poultry. The minimum requirements for poultry housing are the following:
   (A)   It shall be unlawful to maintain in the village any poultry housing within 30 feet of any building used as a residential property by anyone other than the one maintaining the poultry house or his or her immediate family.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to allow any poultry free range within the village limits.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful to maintain more than eight poultry within the village limits at any time.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful to maintain any male chickens, or roosters, within the village limits at any time.
   (E)   Only one poultry housing license shall be allowed on a residentially zoned lot.
   (F)   Any electricity that is utilized for either the chicken coop or chicken run shall comply with any applicable building code regulations, and shall be installed underground.
   (G)   Chicken runs shall be fully enclosed with chicken wire or fencing to a height of six feet.
   (H)   Poultry housing shall be located a minimum of three feet from the subject property, side and rear yard property lines.
   (I)   Poultry housing shall only be located within the rear yard of the subject property.
   (J)   Poultry housing shall be keep clean and sanitary at all time. Any refuse or other by-product resulting from the poultry shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.
   (K)   Poultry housing shall be maintained so as to eliminate any noxious or offensive odors, and offensive noise.
   (L)   Poultry housing shall be adequately maintained to be impenetrable by rats or other rodents.
   (M)   The presence of any rats in chicken coop or chicken run shall be prima facie evidence that the poultry housing is not maintained to the standards of the provisions of this chapter.
   (N)   All poultry housing shall conform to the maximum rear yard coverage as established in § 155.048.
   (O)   Chicken runs shall be constructed with fencing comprised of one inch or smaller openings.
   (P)   Chicken coop shall not exceed 15 feet in height has measured from the then existing grade to the highest point of the chicken coop.
   (Q)   All access doors, or windows shall be shut and remained locked. All points of access shall be predator proof so as to deter and prohibit the entry of any predator.
   (R)   All chicken feed shall be stored and maintained in a rodent proof container.
(Ord. 2021-05, passed 9-13-2021) Penalty, see § 115.99