General Provisions
   33.001   Village depository designated
   33.002   Release of school site donation balance at the start of fiscal year
Locally Imposed and Administered Tax Rights and Responsibilities
   33.015   Title
   33.016   Scope
   33.017   Definitions
   33.018   Notices
   33.019   Late payment
   33.020   Order of application of payment
   33.021   Certain credit and refunds
   33.022   Audit procedure
   33.023   Appeal
   33.024   Hearing
   33.025   Interest and penalties
   33.026   Abatement
   33.027   Installment contracts
   33.028   Statute of limitations
   33.029   Voluntary disclosure
   33.030   Publication of tax ordinances
   33.031   Internal review procedure
   33.032   Application
Electrical Utility Taxes
   33.045   Annual tax imposed; conditions
   33.046   Effective date
   33.047   Periodic return
   33.048   Gross receipts tax
   33.049   Overpayment of tax and credit
   33.050   Definitions
   33.051   Monthly tax imposed
   33.052   Exceptions
   33.053   Additional taxes
   33.054   Collection
   33.055   Monthly reports to municipality
   33.056   Credit for erroneous payment
   33.057   Time limit for action to recover
Gas Utility Tax
   33.070   Tax imposed
   33.071   Transactions not subject to taxation
   33.072   Definitions
   33.073   Effect of provisions
   33.074   Taxpayer to make return
   33.075   Credit for erroneous payment
   33.076   Time limit for action to recover
   33.077   Effective date
Investment Policy
   33.090   Policy and scope
   33.091   Prudence
   33.092   Objectives
   33.093   Delegation of authority
   33.094   Ethics and conflicts of interest
   33.095   Authorized financial dealers and institutions
   33.096   Authorized and suitable investments
   33.097   Collateralization
   33.098   Safekeeping and custody
   33.099   Diversification
   33.100   Maximum maturities
   33.101   Internal control
   33.102   Performance standards
   33.103   Reporting; marking to market
   33.104   Investment policy adoption
Municipal Taxes
   33.115   Municipal use tax
   33.116   Municipal service occupation tax
   33.117   Municipal retailers occupation tax
  Fire Insurance
   33.130   Unlawful to do business if in default
   33.131   Tax on foreign fire insurance companies
   33.132   Agent to render annual account
   33.133   Village agents to refrain from business with those in default
Tax Increment Financing Interested Parties Registry; Registration Rules
   33.150   Definitions
   33.151   Establishment of registry
   33.152   Maintenance of registry
   33.153   Registration by residents
   33.154   Registration by organizations
   33.155   Determination of eligibility
   33.156   Renewal and termination
   33.157   Amendment to registration
   33.158   Registries available for public inspection
   33.159   Notices to be sent to interested parties
   33.160   Non-interference
   33.161   Amendments of registration rules
Municipal Cannabis Retailers’ Occupation Tax
   33.180   Tax imposed; rate
   33.181   Collection of tax by retailers
   33.999   Penalty