§ 154.110 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Sidewalks shall be installed on every lot within the village by every person who erects a building or structure on the lot, unless the Village Board exempts the person because the facts and circumstances of the situation as determined by the Village Board do not require the installation of a sidewalk.
   (B)   No building permit as required by the Building Code shall be issued by any governing official for the construction of any building or structure on any lot within the village until such time as a satisfactory plan for the construction of a public sidewalk together with a deposit of cash, or other security or guaranty in an amount satisfactory to the Zoning Officer shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
   (C)   Sidewalks shall be located immediately adjacent to the right-of-way line, except that sidewalks in all subdivisions approved on or after January 1, 1996 shall be located 12 inches from the street right-of-way line. The Village Zoning Officer shall have the authority to unilaterally grant a variance to the requirements hereof in order to allow existing and new sidewalks to line up. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the following.
      (1)   All sidewalks shall be constructed of Class X Portland cement or six-bag fiber mesh mix with a 28-day compression strength of 3,500 pounds at a grade to be designated and approved by the Village Engineer. Minimum slump shall be three inches, and maximum slump shall be six inches. All concrete shall be air-entrained. Other admixtures shall be approved by the Village Engineer. All sidewalks shall be installed consistent with industry standards and shall be approved by the village prior to acceptance.
      (2)   For residential districts, the minimum width shall be four feet; minimum thickness shall be four inches over a three-inch granular base.
      (3)   For commercial districts, the minimum width shall be five feet; minimum thickness shall be five inches over a three inch granular base.
      (4)   All sidewalks which cross anticipated driveways or other designated areas designed for vehicular travel shall consist of a minimum thickness of an additional 50% over and above the requirements herein.
   (D)   The deposit of cash or other security required hereby shall be returned to the party posting the same, upon the completion of the sidewalk in accordance with the specifications set forth herein.
   (E)   The public sidewalk provided for herein shall be completed within six months after the building or structure for which the building permit was issued is completed or occupied. After the expiration of the time limit above, if the sidewalks are not completed, the village may complete or cause the sidewalk to be completed and apply the proceeds of the deposit of cash or other security toward the costs thereof, refunding any excess. In the event that the cost of installing the sidewalk exceeds the amount of the cash or other security, the balance shall be satisfied by the person to whom the building permit was issued within 30 days following written notice.
   (F)   The requirements of this section shall not be applicable to lots that are located within the M-2 Manufacturing District.
(Ord. 1999-2, Subdivisions § 5, subs. .360, passed 2-15-1999; Ord. 2019-01, passed 1-7-2019)