(A)   No person shall permit more than three dogs or three cat to be or remain in or about any detached single-family residence, building or lot. In the event that a person elects to house a dog and a cat in a detached single-family residence, the total number of animals shall not exceed three. No person shall permit more than a total of two dogs or cats or any combination of the two in any single-family unit in any multiple-housing building within the village. A MULTIPLE-HOUSING BUILDING is defined as any residential structure other than a detached single-family residence.
   (B)   The provisions of this section shall not apply under the following circumstances:
      (1)   To the keeping of more than three dogs and their litters up to four months old;
      (2)   To the keeping of more than three cats and their litters up to four months old;
      (3)   To law enforcement personnel who keep, harbor or maintain any dog or dogs for law enforcement purposes; and
      (4)   To the keeping, harboring or maintaining of dogs for the use, training or housing of a service animal.
(Ord. 98-01, passed 1-19-1998; Ord. 2014-02, passed 5-5-2014) Penalty, see § 90.99