(A)   Created/membership. There is created a Joint Commission for Tobacco and Cannabis Regulation and Licensing. The members of the Local Liquor Control Commission shall also serve as the members of the Joint Commission for Tobacco and Cannabis Regulation and Licensing. Appointments and terms will be as prescribed under § 117.03 of this Code.
   (B)   Chairperson. The Commissioner for the Joint Commission for Tobacco and Cannabis Regulation and Licensing shall act as chairperson for the purpose of presiding over meetings conducted by the Commission.
   (C)   Powers and duties. The Joint Commission for Tobacco and Cannabis Regulation and Licensing shall have and exercise the following duties as directed by the Commissioner of the Joint Commission for Tobacco and Cannabis Regulation and Licensing:
      (1) To review applications and the investigation of applicants for tobacco licenses, and to submit findings and recommendations to the Commissioner on applications and related matters either through an oral vote or by setting forth in writing its conclusions regarding such applications;
      (2)   To perform its duties as prescribed under § 129A.12;
      (3)   To participate on an advisory;
      (4)   To keep written records of its meetings and proceedings which shall be open for public inspection in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act; and
      (5)   Such other duties as determined by the Commissioner or the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. CO-2022-23, passed 11-1-2022)