The driver of a vehicle intending to turn into a private road or driveway, alley or building from a public street or highway shall be governed by the following rules:
   (a)    Approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
   (b)    Upon a roadway where traffic is proceeding in opposite directions, approach for a left turn and a left turn shall be made from that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof.
   (c)    Upon a roadway where traffic is restricted to one direction, approach for a left turn and a left turn shall be made as close as practicable to the lefthand curb or edge of the roadway. (Ord. 87-16. Passed 6-15-87.)
   (d)    When the center lane of three or five lane roadways is reserved as a left turning lane for traffic going in both directions, such turning lane shall not be entered except for making left turns, except to pass other vehicular traffic in the event of an emergency or when directed by a police officer. Entry into such lanes for left turns shall not be made more than 200 feet from the point of turning, unless such 200 foot entry way is intersected by a street intersecting from the left side, or unless the pavement markings allow for a greater or lesser distance.
   It shall be the duty of the driver of any vehicle entering a private road or driveway, alley or building to yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully using the sidewalk or sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, private road, driveway or building.
(Ord. 93-16. Passed 4-19-93.)