1357.01    Weeds, etc. prohibited.
1357.02    Notice to abate nuisance condition.
1357.99    Penalty.
      Removal of noxious weeds - see Ohio R. C. 731.51 et seq.
   No owner, occupant or person having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of land situated within the Municipality, whether the same is improved or unimproved, vacant or occupied, shall permit noxious weeds, grass, vines or any deleterious growth exceeding a height of six inches upon any such lot or parcel of land within 100 feet of any public or private roadway, or within 150 feet of any residential dwelling, building or cemetery.
(Ord. 74-32. Passed 5-20-74.)
   Whenever there shall be done or exist within the Municipality any act or condition of the kind described in Section 1357.01, the Building Commissioner/Service Director is authorized and directed to promptly cause its abatement as follows:
   (a)    When the nuisance is located on or originates from real estate not owned by the Municipality, the Building Commissioner/Service Director upon finding that the nuisance exists, may issue written notice to the owner of the real estate setting forth the nature of the nuisance. Such notice shall indicate that unless the nuisance is abated within five days, it may be abated by the Municipality at the cost of the owner, or the Municipality may prosecute the owner for failure to comply with notice.
   (b)    If the nuisance is not abated by the owner within five days, the Building Commissioner/Service Director may cause its abatement and shall give notice to the owner to pay the cost of such abatement. In the event such costs are not paid within thirty days after service of notice, then such amount shall be certified by the Finance Director to the County Auditor for collection the same as other taxes and assessments are collected.
(c)    Any notice to be served upon the owner pursuant to this section shall be by delivering it personally to the owner; leaving it at the owners usual place of business or residence, by certified mail, express mail, by commercial carrier service utilizing any form of delivery requiring a signed receipt, by posting it in a conspicuous place on the real estate involved, or by publishing it once in a newspaper of general circulation within the Municipality, if notice cannot be served in any other matter provided herein.
(d)    When the cause or source of a nuisance exists on property owned by the Municipality, the Building Commissioner/Service Director shall abate the nuisance at the expense of the Municipality. No notice shall be required preliminary to the abatement.
      (Ord. 90-29. Passed 8-20-90; Ord. 2023-12. Passed 12-18-23.)
   1357.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Any such violation shall constitute a separate offense on each successive day continued.