(a) All parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete, or other similar hard surface as shall be approved by Council and be as approved by the Village Engineer.
(b) All parking areas and driveways shall provide adequate drainage so that all water is contained within the lot on which the parking area or driveway is located in such manner that water shall not drain across other private or public property.
(c) Portland cement concrete at least six (6) inches above the levels of the surface of the parking area and at least twelve (12) inches below the surface shall be provided to define the limits of the parking area except at exits and entrances. Such curbs shall be at least six inches thick. The following design parameters apply to curb installation:
(1) Curbs shall be arranged so that no part of a parked vehicle shall project into that portion of a required yard in which off-street parking is prohibited.
(2) Curbs separating landscaped areas from parking areas shall allow storm water runoff to pass through them where appropriate and approved by the Village Engineer. Curbs may be:
A. Perforated with gaps or breaks,
B. When applicable, removed from the perimeter of paved areas, or installed flush with the pavement surface to allowing sheet flow from storm water runoff into bioretention cells or filter strips. Wheel stops may be required in place of curbs or where a flush curb is used.
(d) Planted islands shall be developed and distributed so as to interrupt the expanse of paved area. Such islands shall have a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet.
(e) The Planning and Zoning Commission may require landscape features and a wall or a fence between a parking and loading area and a side or rear lot line of a residential district.
(f) Parking spaces shall be defined by painted single solid lines.
(g) An approved barrier shall be provided to establish the limits of each parking area on each lot.
(h) All required off-street parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of at least six (6) feet and six (6) inches.
(i) Handicapped off-street parking spaces shall be provided in size and number as specified in the Ohio Building Code.
(j) Required off-street parking spaces shall have a maximum square foot area of no more than 180 square feet or nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet in length exclusive of access drives and aisles.
(k) If a column or other obstruction is adjacent to a parking space and would interfere with car door openings, then the maximum stall width of that space shall be increased by one (1) foot. The inner face of the column or other obstruction shall form the actual boundary of the space when measuring the width or length of the spaces.
(l) Parking areas shall be designed to permit each motor vehicle to proceed to and from the parking space provided without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle.
(m) Parking areas designed to hold 100 parking spaces or more shall:
(1) Dedicate at least ten percent (10%) of the spaces to compact cars.
A. The maximum layout dimensions for compact car parking spaces shall have a maximum square footage of no more than 144 square feet or eight (8) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet in length.
B. The owner of the parking area shall designate compact car spaces by signs approved by Planning and Zoning Commission with a minimum of one (1) sign per every four (4) compact car spaces.
C. Compact car parking spaces shall be grouped to promote better use.
(2) Include interior landscaping to cover not less than ten percent (10%) of the parking and maneuvering area, in addition to any parking lot perimeter landscaping and screening requirements. This landscaping requirement can include bioretention cells, enhanced swales or filter strips for storm water management where appropriate and approved by the Village Engineer. Review and approval by the Village Engineer shall be as detailed in Chapter 1128 Comprehensive Storm Water Management and include the required inspection and maintenance agreements.
(Ord. 2021-05. Passed 6-21-21.)
Parking and loading areas shall be illuminated whenever necessary to protect the public safety. Such illumination shall be so designed and located that light sources are shielded from adjoining residential districts and streets, and shall not be of excessive brightness or cause a glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers.
(a) In no case shall such lighting cause more than 0.2 foot candle, on average, of light to fall on adjacent properties measured horizontally at the lot line, without any shadowing effect from parked vehicles or trees at points of measurement. For the purposes of this Section, all light readings shall be taken from ground level with a direct reading portable light meter.
(b) Shields shall be used where necessary to prevent exposure of adjacent properties.
(Ord. 2010-41. Passed 1-18-11.)
Prior to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of compliance, detailed drawings of off-street parking and loading areas (except for one and two-family dwellings) shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval in accord with the requirements hereinbefore stated and as follows:
(a) A site plan showing the location of proposed and existing buildings, the locations and use of buildings on adjoining lots within 100 feet of all property lines.
(b) Plot plan and/or drawing shall have appropriate legend showing:
(1) Lot number.
(2) Name of business.
(3) Builder or construction firm.
(4) Date.
(5) Square footage of lot area.
(6) Square footage of building floor area.
(7) Maximum number of employees on any two successive shifts.
(8) Required minimum parking spaces.
(9) Number of planned parking spaces.
(c) All drawings, plot or site plans shall be drawn to scale on paper eighteen by thirty inches or larger in size. Such scale shall be shown on each drawing or plan.
(d) All plats, site plans and drawings shall be first submitted to the Building Commissioner for his review and signature.
(e) All plats, site plans and drawings shall then be reviewed by the Village Engineer for his approval and signature before such plan, site plans and drawings are submitted to the Commission.
(f) The above conditions and requirements shall be accomplished by the applicant before being placed in the agenda of the Commission. The cutoff date for inclusion on the agenda shall be Friday noon preceding the meeting of the Commission.
(Ord. 2010-41. Passed 1-18-11.)