1117.03 STREETS.
   Streets shall be designed to implement the Street Plan, to be in accord with the functions served as classified in Section 1113.21 and to be related to the use of abutting land. Furthermore, streets shall be designed to comply with planning criteria as follows:
   (a)    Arterial Street System. The arterial street system shall be planned in compliance with the duly adopted Street Plan, and unless shown otherwise on the Plan, arterial streets shall be planned for continuation of existing streets in the system and at the same width, or at greater width in accordance with adopted standards. Access to arterial streets shall be controlled in the interest of public safety and to maintain the design capacity of the street system. Arterial streets should be planned to have a minimum distance of 600 to 800 feet between intersections. Access driveways to developments between intersecting streets should be regulated insofar as possible to one driveway at intervals of 200 feet by combining the access to several developments or by other means.
   (b)    Collector Street System. Collector streets connect the local residential street system and the main highway and should be oriented to one or more focal points of traffic generation. They should be planned for continuity and will normally contain a relatively large number of intersections with local streets.
   (c)    Relation to Residential Developments. Wherever a one-family residential development abuts an arterial street, the Planning and Zoning Commission may, in order to protect residential property from the movements of heavy traffic and to control intersections with arterial streets, require:
      (1)    Marginal streets parallel to the arterial street; or
      (2)    Reverse frontage lots between an arterial street and a parallel local street with screen planting located in a nonaccess reservation along the right-of- way line of the arterial street; or
      (3)    The fronting of lots with extra width on perpendicular local streets; or
      (4)    Lots with extra depth fronting on the arterial street with access provided by combined driveways.
   (d)    Right-of-Way Widths. The right of way for arterial streets shall be determined by the Commission but in no case shall the right of way be less than eighty feet. The right of way for collector streets shall be not less than seventy feet.
      (Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)