1113.20 SIGNS.
(a) "Sign" means any display, figure, painting, drawing, placard, poster or other device visible from a public way which is designed, intended or used to convey a message, advertise, inform or direct attention to a person, institution, organization, activity, place, object or product. It may be a structure or part thereof painted on or attached directly or indirectly on a structure.
(b) "Business sign" means a sign which directs attention to the name of the business or establishment, the goods or commodities sold, or services rendered on the lot on which the sign is located.
(c) "Real estate and development sign" means a sign which directs attention to the promotion, development, construction, rental, sale, or lease of property on which it is located.
(d) "Poster panel or billboard" means a sign directing attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment or any other activity sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than upon the same lot on which the sign is located.
(Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)
1113.21 STREETS.
(a) "Street" means a public way for purposes of vehicular travel including the entire area within the rights of way. The term includes, but is not limited to, avenue, alley, boulevard, drive, highway, road and freeway. Streets shall be classified and further defined as follows:
(1) "Freeway" means a divided arterial highway for through traffic to which access from the abutting properties is prohibited and all street crossings are made by grade-separated interchanges.
(2) "Arterial street" means a public street which is primarily for moving fast or heavy traffic between large or intensively developed districts.
(3) "Collector street" means a street supplementary to and connecting arterial streets to local streets.
(4) "Local street" means a street primarily for access to abutting residential properties and to serve local needs.
A. "Cul-de-sac" means a street, one end of which connects with another street and the other end of which terminates in turning facilities for vehicles .
B. "Marginal access street" means a local street providing access to lots which abut or are adjacent to a limited-access highway or arterial street.
C. "Loop street" means a local street, both ends of which intersect with the same street at different points and which intersects with no other street.
(5) "Private street" means a street held in private ownership.
(6) "Right of way" means all of the land included within an area which is dedicated, reserved by deed or granted by easement for street purposes.
A. "Roadway" means that portion of a right of way available for vehicular travel, including parking lanes.
B. "Tree lawn" means that portion of a right of way lying between the exterior line of the roadway and the outside right-of-way line.
(7) Other rights of way as follows:
A. "Pedestrian way" means a dedicated public right of way solely for pedestrian circulation.
B. "Drainage way" means the land required for construction or maintenance of storm water sewers or required along a drainage ditch, natural stream or watercourse.
C. "Easement" means a grant by a property owner of the use of land for a specific purpose, by the general public, a corporation or another person.
(Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)
"Subdivision" means the division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous units on the last preceding records of the County Auditor into two or more parcels, sites or lots, any one of which is less than five acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership.
Subdivision also includes the improvement of one or more parcels of land for residential, business or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening or extension of any street or streets, or as easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewers, drainage, water supply or other public facilities and the division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners, occupants or lease holders.
The term includes resubdivision and replatting; it may refer also to the process of subdividing and the land subdivided when appropriate to the context.
(Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)