(a)   The gross floor area shall be the area of each floor, including the basement, if used for offices, measured from the exterior faces of the building.
(Ord. 1987-10. Passed 4-13-87.)
   (b)   Parking spaces shall be striped, creating minimum nine feet by eighteen feet parking stalls, exclusive of drives and turning spaces.
(Ord. 1990-66. Passed 11-26-90.)
   (c)   Parking facilities in front yards shall be located not closer than 100 feet from the centerline of the street; in side yards, not closer than ten feet from the lot line; and in rear yards, not closer than twenty feet from the lot line.
   Parking facilities in the front and side yards of corner lots shall be located not closer than 100 feet from the centerline of any abutting street. The side yard abutting an adjoining lot shall be located not closer than ten feet from the lot line. The rear yard setback shall be not closer than twenty-five feet from the lot line.
(Ord. 1987-32. Passed 9-28-87.)
   (d)   At least five percent of the parking area shall be landscaped with planted islands distributed so as to interrupt the expanse of paved area.
   (e)   The location and width of entrance and exit driveways to parking facilities shall be planned so as to interfere as little as possible with the use of nearby property and with pedestrian and vehicular traffic. At least two separate driveways shall be provided with a minimum width of eighteen feet and a maximum width of twenty-four feet.
   (f)   Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Council may, upon application to the Planning Commission by the owner of any lot within a Headquarters or Executive Offices Park, and upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, permit such owner to set aside and landscape an area that would otherwise be required paved parking area hereunder, upon a showing that the number of required parking spaces hereunder is not necessary to provide adequate parking for the persons occupying the building on such lot.
   (g)   Council shall determine, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the size of the area to be set aside and landscaped, and Council may at any time require some or all of such to be set aside and landscaped area to be improved and added to the existing parking facilities.
(Ord. 1987-10. Passed 4-13-87; Ord. 2006-52. Passed 2-12-07.)