(a)   Yard Regulations.
      (1)   A front yard setback of not less than 60 feet from the right-of-way line of the street or highway is required. An exception to the front yard setback shall be permitted above the ground floor for any bridge structure that is otherwise approved to overpass Mayfield Road, provided that the only setback encroachment at the ground level shall be to accommodate the minimum structural support necessary for such bridge.
      (2)   Side and rear yards. The side and rear yard setbacks of not less than 50 feet are required. Where residential property that is zoned single-family abuts the side and rear yard, the side and rear yard setback shall not be less than 75 feet.
      (3)   Notwithstanding the setback and height provisions (subsection (b) below) of the Zoning Code, any garage structure existing at the time this U-8 District zoning amendment is adopted shall be permitted to be expanded vertically upon their existing footprints, without requirement of a variance to the Zoning Code provided that the height of any parking structure existing at the time of the adoption of these regulations, and which is within the required setback, shall be limited to a maximum height of 57 feet.
      (4)   Use of yards for accessory surface off-street parking and loading spaces:
         A.   Accessory off-street parking in a front yard is permitted not closer than 20 feet from a street line, except that such parking may be permitted not closer than ten feet from a street line if streetscape amenities are provided with the approval of the Planning Commission with confirmation of City Council. Such street amenities may include, but are not limited to: decorative walls, transit stops, unique landscaping or architectural features, etc.
         B.   Accessory off-street parking in a side or rear yard is permitted not closer than 25 feet from a side or rear property line or 30 feet from a residential district line.
         C.   Accessory off-street loading docks shall not be permitted in a side or rear yard setback. Loading docks shall not face a public street.
         D.   In rear and side yards adjoining any district other than a U-8 District, the installation of a six-foot high vision-impairing masonry wall of face brick or split brick shall be required in order to create a buffer area where such other district adjoins or abuts a rear or side yard of this district.
   (b)   Height Regulations.
      (1)   South side of Mayfield Road: The height of a building shall not:
         A.   Exceed 80 feet at the front yard setback;
         B.   Exceed 55 feet at the side and rear yard setbacks that are adjacent to any non-single family zoning district, except that the building height may be increased above 55 feet by an increment of one foot for each one foot increase in setback to a maximum permitted building height of 80 feet;
         C.   Exceed 40 feet at the side or rear setbacks adjacent to a single family residential zoning district except that the building height may be increased above the 40 feet by an increment of one foot for each three feet increase in setback to a maximum permitted building height of 80 feet.
   Rooftop accessory structures (i.e., elevator shafts, enclosed stairs, air conditioning or heating units and screens or mechanical equipment, penthouses, flag poles, light standard and lamps, communication antennas, surveillance cameras and other accessory structures or similar features) may extend above the permitted building height an additional 20 feet, to a maximum height of 100 feet, as approved by the Planning Commission with confirmation of City Council.
      (2)   North side of Mayfield Road: The height of a building shall not exceed 100 feet. Rooftop accessory structures (i.e. elevator shafts, air conditioning or heating units and screens or mechanical equipment, flag poles, enclosed stairs, penthouses, light standard and lamps, communication antennas, surveillance cameras and other accessory structures or similar features) may extend above the permitted building height an additional 20 feet, as approved by the Planning Commission with confirmation of City Council.
(Ord. 2005-13. Passed 9-12-05.)