The following uses are permitted in a U-4-B District:
   (a)   Banks, general offices, administrative offices, professional offices and financial offices;
(Ord. 1990-51. Passed 10-22-90.)
   (b)   Medical offices. A medical office is a facility (building or portion thereof) used by physicians, dentists, optometrists, and similar licensed medical personnel for the examination and treatment of patients, solely on an outpatient basis and primarily by appointment. For the purpose of this zoning regulation, drop-in clinics, urgent care and emergency centers/clinics are not considered medical offices; and
   (c)   Any use not specified and determined to be similar by the Planning Commission and confirmed by Council majority.
(Ord. 1991-36. Passed 9-9-91; Ord. 2005-7. Passed 5-9-05.)