1173.04 STANDARDS.
   In considering and acting upon any site plan, the City Planning Commission and Council shall require that the proposed plan comply with the following standards:
   (a)   The plan shall ensure safe and convenient traffic movement within the Development District and in relation to adjoining streets.
   (b)   The relation of buildings and uses in the District to each other and to buildings and uses in adjoining districts shall be such that no proposed building or use hinders or discourages the appropriate development or use of any adjoining property or is inconsistent with permitted uses of such property. To that end, the Commission shall disapprove any building or use which would otherwise be permitted in the District or in a more restricted district if such building or use in the neighborhood of less restricted but permitted uses (whether or not then existing) would hinder or discourage such permitted use of adjoining property, or would be inconsistent with the public interest in the health, safety, convenience or comfort of the occupant or user of the proposed building. Further, in applying the standard fixed by this subsection, the Commission may consider height, design, population density, traffic pattern, setbacks, distances between buildings, landscaping features, walls, fences or any other element which is related to possible impairment or discouragement of the appropriate use of adjoining property and to the public health, safety, convenience or comfort.
   (c)   Not more than thirty percent of the ground level area of the District shall be occupied by buildings.
   (d)   In addition to the provisions of Section 1195.04, the terms of which supersede the provisions of this section in the case of a conflict, all buildings shall be set back at least thirty feet from the side line of adjoining streets, shall be at least twenty feet from any other building and shall be at least thirty feet from any district boundary line. All buildings or other structures shall be set back at least 250 feet from the centerline of any street on which such buildings front, provided, however, that in the case of undue hardship or special merit, the owner may apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a reduction of such set-back requirement. If such application is approved by the Board and Council, the owner shall construct such buildings or structures in accordance with the set-back requirements as determined by such bodies in their approval.
   (e)   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1189.
   (f)   No feature of any plan submitted pursuant to this chapter shall adversely affect the public health, safety, convenience or comfort or general welfare, and the plan shall, in all respects, conform to the applicable restrictions of this Planning and Zoning Code, including but not limited to Chapter 1197 .
(Ord. 1996-36. Passed 12-9-96; Ord. 2016-32. Passed 1-23-17.)