The following criteria shall guide the site planning of a development area in a U-3-C District:
(a) Densities and Dwelling Types. A development area in a U-3-C District may be of apartment house or multifamily buildings. The units need not be distributed at a uniform density throughout the District. However, those part of the area occupied shall not exceed the density set forth for specific types of dwellings. The area occupied by a building shall not exceed thirty-two dwelling units per acre as set forth in Section 1169.08(b)(2).
(b) Site Data. If there is more than one building in a development area, the distance between the walls of any two buildings shall be not less than the height of the highest building, and such distance shall be increased ten feet for each increase of one story height. Where main walls of buildings face each other across an open court, the distance between such walls shall be not less than one and one-half times the height of the highest building, except that a life care facility building shall be not less than seventy-five feet from any building.
(c) Circulation System. Each building shall be served by a local drive connecting to a main street at a location where the traffic can be effectively controlled. Access for occupants and visitors shall be provided near the entrance and near the elevator hall of the building. Public transportation shall be available within 1,000 feet to the proposed site of the building or provision shall be made for the same.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)