A site plan shall be prepared for all types of proposals for developments in a U-3-C District and submitted to the City Planning Commission. Preliminary and final development plans shall be submitted which shall include:
(a) A survey of property and topography, showing land owned and proposed for development;
(b) The location, size, height and use of all main and accessory buildings and the general design and color of such buildings;
(c) A proposed system of circulation of vehicular traffic, including delivery trucks, details for connections to present streets, the type of pavement and estimates of traffic volumes;
(d) Plans for all utility installations and connections;
(e) The layout and estimated number of spaces, the design of features and the type of pavement of parking areas; and
(f) Other site development, including grading and drainage, and the design of landscaped yards, planting areas and strips adjoining residential areas.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)