The following uses are permitted in a U-3-C District:
   (a)   Uses permitted in the U-3-B District;
   (b)   Senior citizen apartments;
   (c)   Rest and nursing homes (regulated by the Ohio Department of Health);
   (d)   Medical and health care facilities as accessory uses to life care and related ancillary facilities;
   (e)   Accessory buildings and uses (restricted to residents only), as follows:
      (1)   Restaurants or public dining rooms;
      (2)   Snack bars;
      (3)   Coffee shops;
      (4)   Laundry rooms;
      (5)   Beauty shops and barber shops;
      (6)   Pharmacy and sundry shops;
      (7)   Swimming pools;
      (8)   Lounges;
      (9)   Libraries;
      (10)   Card rooms;
      (11)   Open parking, at grade; and
      (12)   Other buildings and uses customarily incidental to the principal use, provided they are located on the same lot or parcel of land with the main building or use to which they are accessory; and
   (f)   Deliveries and refuse removal within enclosed service areas separated from pedestrian circulation and garage areas.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)