The following criteria shall guide the site planning of a development area in a U-3-B District:
   (a)   Densities and Dwelling Types. A development area in a U-3-B District may be of apartment house or multifamily buildings. The units need not be distributed at a uniform density throughout the District. However, those parts of the area occupied shall not exceed the density set forth for specific types of dwellings. The area occupied by a building shall not exceed fifty-four dwelling units per acre, as set forth in Section 1167.08(b)(2).
   (b)   Site Data. If there is more than one building in a development area, the distance between the walls of any two buildings shall be not less than the height of the highest building. Where main walls of buildings face each other across an open court, the distance between such walls shall be not less than one and one-half times the height of the highest building.
   (c)   Circulation System. Each building shall be served by a local drive connecting onto a main street at a location where the traffic can be effectively controlled. Access for occupants and visitors shall be provided near the entrance and near the elevator hall of the building. Services to the building shall be provided by separate drives to service areas which shall be separate from pedestrian and vehicular circulation routes. Outside parking facilities shall be provided with walkways and islands for trees and other landscape planning. Such facilities shall not be closer than twenty feet from the main residence building, except as stated above.
   (d)   Service and Shops. If services and shops are developed as an additional use, such facilities shall be designed and constructed integrally with and managed as part of a building.
         Delivery facilities to such services and shops shall be separated and concealed from normal pedestrian circulation routes of the building.
         The architectural design shall be of a scale and character to conform with multifamily buildings or apartment houses. The facilities shall not be conspicuous from any public street.
   (e)   Latitudes. The latitudes in the development or redevelopment shall be consistent with, and in a manner that will enhance, the general amenities and unity of the neighborhood.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)