(a)   Lot Areas; Setbacks; Improvements. In Subdistrict 1 areas, no building shall be erected on a lot less than three acres in area and less than 300 feet in average width.
   Any building erected on a lot in Subdistrict 1 shall be set back in accordance with U-1 District requirements. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of a building on a street where a storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main have not all been installed or when all of such are not operative. All subdivisions must conform to Chapter 1105.
   (b)   Height Regulations. The height of any main or accessory building shall not exceed two stories or twenty-four feet, exclusive of a chimney or other permitted appurtenance located upon or constituted as an integral part of a main building.
   The provisions set forth in this subsection shall control and are in addition to all other applicable sections of this chapter.
(Ord. 1988-13. Passed 4-25-88.)