(a) Standards. The following standards and specifications and the sketch contained in subsection (b) hereof, for full-depth asphalt construction for private streets in a U-2-A Planned Unit Development District, are hereby adopted:
(1) The alternate pavement construction shall consist of full-depth asphalt concrete driving lanes between Portland cement concrete curbs and gutters, constructed in accordance with applicable items in the latest edition of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications (ODOTS) and the typical section and details on the sketch contained in subsection (b) hereof.
(2) The total width of pavement from back of curb to back of curb shall be twenty-six feet for major streets and twenty-two feet for minor streets.
(3) The asphalt concrete shall be twenty-two feet wide for major streets and eighteen feet wide for minor streets, with a total thickness of nine and one-half inches, consisting of a two and one-half inch surface course of ODOTS Item 404 applied in two lifts on a seven-inch base course of ODOTS Item 301.
(4) The Portland cement concrete combination curb and gutter shall be constructed in accordance with ODOTS Item 609 and shall be two feet wide with a minimum thickness of nine and one-half inches, plus a curb four inches high along the outside edge, tapering down to the gutter line one foot away from the outside edge.
(5) Curb drains shall be installed along the outside edge of all curbs in accordance with ODOTS Item 605. The pipe shall be perforated, vitrified clay (ASTM C-700 ES), four inches in diameter, and the bottom set two feet, four inches below the top of the curb.
(6) The pavement shall be constructed on a subgrade prepared and compacted in accordance with ODOTS Item 203.
(Ord. 1981-35. Passed 10-26-81.)