(a)   Descriptions. The following areas in the U-1 District are hereby designated as Subdistrict 1 areas:
      (1)   That portion of the City (not zoned for any other purpose) included between the north corporation line and the south line of Original Mayfield Township Lots 23 and 26, Tract 3, and the section south of Mayfield Road, extending from the west corporation line to the west line of Mayfield Road Subdivision, recorded in Volume 93, Page 16, County Map Records, and including all of Original Mayfield Township Lot 27, which is contained within and so much of such Mayfield Township Lot 22 as is included within the Cliffview Land Company's Subdivision, recorded in Volume 146, Pages 34 and 35, County Map Records, and including Broadfield Subdivision, recorded in Volume 88, Page 3, County Map Records, and within Mayfair Acres Subdivision recorded in Volume 145, Pages 30 and 31, County Map Records, and the section north of Mayfield Road from such west corporation line to the east line of a 218.281 acre parcel standing in the name of the Cleveland Trust Co., which for a distance north of Mayfield Road is the west line of May-Som Garden, recorded in Volume 106, Page 20, County Map Records, and all the remaining frontage on Mayfield Road easterly to the east corporation line, but limited to a depth from the respective side lines of Mayfield Road of 200 feet.
      (2)   Situated in the City and known as being part of Original Mayfield Township Lots 19 and 20, Tract 3, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of S.O.M. Center Road, sixty feet wide, with the northerly line of Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 142 of Maps, Page 34, of County Records; thence north 89o 34' 21" west 1325.08 feet along the northerly line of such Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment to a point; thence north Oo 25' 39" east 98.47 feet to a point; thence north 41o 22' 01" east 216.65 feet to a point; thence north 48o 26' 14" east 1,115 feet to a point; thence north 57o 04' 59" east 160.05 feet to a point; thence north 18o 31' 49" east 311.90 feet to a point; thence north 89o 20' 55" east 97.52 feet to a point in such westerly line of S.O.M. Center Road; thence south 0o 39' 05" east 1394.58 feet along such westerly line of S.O.M. Center Road to the place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
      (3)   Situated in the City and known as being part of Original Mayfield Township Lots 19 and 20, Tract 3, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Original Lot 20 with the northwesterly line of Gates Mills Boulevard, 220 feet wide; thence north 89o 48' 38" west 422.22 feet along the northerly line of Original Lot 20 to a point for the principal place of beginning; thence north 89o 48' 38" west 2,587.47 feet along the northerly line of Original Lot 20 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel 1 conveyed to Landerhaven Realty, Inc., by deed, recorded in Volume 8097, Page 180, of County Records; thence south 4o 38' 14" west 1,286.49 feet along the easterly line of Parcels 1 and 2 conveyed to Landerhaven Realty, Inc., by deed, recorded in Volume 8097, Page 180, of County Records to a point in the southerly line of Original Lot 20; thence south 89o 34' 42" east twenty-one feet along the southerly line of Original Lot 20 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel 3 conveyed to Landerhaven Realty, Inc., by deed, recorded in Volume 8097, Page 180, of County Records; thence south 0o 37' 05" east 310.72 feet along the easterly line of Parcel 3 so conveyed to Landerhaven Realty, Inc., to the northwesterly corner of the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 142 of Maps, Page 34, of County Records; thence south 89o 34' 21" east 919.29 feet along the northerly line of the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment to a point; thence north 48o 26' 14" east 1,577.75 feet to a point; thence north 35o 19' 46" east 162.30 feet to a point; thence north 80o 04' 30" east 234.21 feet to a point; thence north 9o 22' 00" east 135 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 97.83 feet along the arc of a circle deflecting to the right having a radius of 347.53 feet and whose chord bears south 72o 34' 07" east 97.51 feet to a point; thence north 25o 29' 46" east 296.84 feet to the principal place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
      (4)   Situated in the City, and known as being Block E in the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment of part of Original Mayfield Township Lot 19, Tract 3, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 142 of Maps, Page 34, of County Records, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of S.O.M. Center Road with the northerly line of the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment; thence north 89o 34' 16" west 500 feet along the northerly line of the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment to a point for the principal place of beginning; thence north 89o 34' 16" west 1,171.32 feet along the northerly line of the Gates Mills Boulevard, Inc., Allotment to a point; thence south 0o 25' 44" west 250 feet to a point; thence northwesterly 141 feet along the arc of a circle deflecting to the right, having a radius of 336.64 feet and whose chord bears north 77o 34' 21" west 139.97 feet to a point; thence south 24o 25' 35" west 237.66 feet to a point; thence south 89o 11' 55" east 1,413.34 feet to a point; thence north 0o 39' 05" west 447.30 feet to the principal place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
   (b)   Lot Areas; Setbacks; Improvements. In Subdistrict 1 areas, no building shall be erected or used to accommodate or make provision for one single-family dwelling on a lot less than 8,500 square feet in area or less than sixty feet in average width. However, any lot which was owned separately from adjoining lots at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code may be used for a single-family dwelling, and any subdivision or group of lots recorded at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code may be resubdivided, in whole or in part, into sublots of greater area and width than originally subdivided, but less in area and width than specified in this section.
   Any building erected on a lot in Subdistrict 1 shall be set back at least thirty-five feet from the easement line of the street, except on S.O.M. Center Road and Lander Road where the setback shall be 110 feet from the centerline of such streets, and except on Mayfield Road where the set-back line shall not be less than 120 feet from the centerline of such street. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of a building on a street where a storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main have not all been installed or where all of such are not operative. All subdivisions must conform to Chapter 1105. The provisions set forth in this subsection shall control over all other sections of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Floor Area Requirements. In Subdistrict 1 areas, dwellings shall have the following minimum livable floor areas:
      (1)   On a lot recorded before the passage of this Zoning Code, with a frontage of at least forty feet but less than fifty feet:
      (2)   A dwelling with a full basement and more than one finished livable floor shall have a minimum total livable floor area of 1,150 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (3)   A dwelling with a full basement and one floor shall have a minimum livable floor area on the first floor of 900 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (4)   A basementless dwelling shall have an additional minimum floor area of 150 square feet for a utility room and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (5)   On a lot recorded before the passage of this Zoning Code, with a frontage of at least fifty feet but less than sixty feet:
      (6)   A dwelling with a full basement and more than one finished livable floor shall have a minimum total livable floor area of 1,200 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (7)   A dwelling with a full basement and one floor shall have a minimum livable floor area on the first floor of 950 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (8)   A basementless dwelling shall have an additional minimum floor area of 150 square feet for a utility room and must have not less than a two-passenger attached or detached garage.
      (9)   On a lot recorded before or after the passage of this Zoning Code, with a frontage of at least sixty feet but less than seventy-five feet:
      (10)   A dwelling with a full basement and more than one finished livable floor shall have a minimum total livable floor area of 1,250 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached garage.
      (11)   A dwelling with a full basement and one floor shall have a livable floor area on the first floor of 1,120 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger attached garage.
      (12)   A basementless dwelling shall have an additional minimum floor area of 150 square feet for a utility room and must have not less than a two-passenger attached garage.
      (13)   On a lot recorded before or after the passage of this Zoning Code, with a frontage of seventy-five feet or more:
      (14)   A dwelling with a full basement and more than one finished livable floor shall have a minimum total livable
      (15)   floor area of 1,400 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger car attached garage.
      (16)   A dwelling with a full basement and one floor shall have a livable floor area on the first floor of 1,200 square feet and must have not less than a two-passenger car attached garage.
      (17)   A basementless dwelling shall have an additional minimum floor area of 150 square feet for a utility room and must have not less than a two-passenger car attached garage.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)